CARREGADOR 36V Type | 90616337-01

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Lista de Peças

Item Qtd. Referência Descrição Tipo Info. Adicional Mercados Estado Última data de fabr. Diagram
801 1 BCBLV36 VACUO VENTOINHA H1 BCBLV3625L1 QW Live go to diagram
25 1 BCHTS36 REBARB DE VEDACAO H1 BCHTS3620L1 / 25L1 QW Live go to diagram
63 1 BCMW3336 CORTA-RELVA S/F H1 BCMW3336L1 + L2 QW Live go to diagram
801 1 BCSTA536 APARADOR DE RELVA 1 BCSTA536L1 QW Live go to diagram
801 1 BCSTE636 APARADOR DE RELVA 1 BCSTE636L1 QW Live go to diagram
42 1 BDPSE3615 ASPIR SEGUR A MAO H1 DESK QW Live go to diagram
42 1 BHFEV36B2D ASPIR SEGUR A MAO H1 BHFEV36B2D QW Live go to diagram
99 1 CLM3820 CORTA-RELVA S/F 1 QW Live go to diagram
99 1 CLM3825L2 CORTA-RELVA S/F H2 QW Live go to diagram
91 1 CLMA4820L2 CORTA RELVAS ROTATIV 1 QW Live go to diagram
91 1 CLMA4825L2 CORTA RELVA H2 QW Live go to diagram
32 1 GKC3630L20 SERRA ARTICULADA 1 QW Live go to diagram
32 1 GKC3630L25 SERRA ARTICULADA 1 QW Live go to diagram
871 1 GLC3630L REBARBADOR APARADOR DE RELVA H1 GLC3630L QW Discontinued 01/10/2013 go to diagram
871 1 GLC3630L REBARBADOR APARADOR DE RELVA H1 GLC3630L20 QW Discontinued 01/10/2013 go to diagram
871 1 GLC3630L25 APARADOR DE RELVA 1 QW Discontinued 31/03/2020 go to diagram
25 1 GTC365525PC REBARB DE VEDACAO 1 QW Discontinued 31/12/2021 go to diagram
25 1 GTC36552PC REBARB DE VEDACAO 1 QW Discontinued 31/12/2021 go to diagram
25 1 GTC3655L PT-CORDLESS HEDGETRIMMER H1 GTC3655L20 QW Discontinued 31/03/2017 go to diagram
25 1 GTC3655L PT-CORDLESS HEDGETRIMMER H1 GTC3655L QW Discontinued 31/03/2017 go to diagram

* Estes são os preços de venda ao público aconselhados e podem variar, não incluem IVA nem despesas de transporte. Reservamos o direito de alterar os preços e condições sem aviso prévio.